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Essay concerning the book The World Split Open How the Modern Womens Movement Changed America by Ruth Rosen

The instructions for the project were as follows:
By the late 1970s the women's movement had become highly fragmented and divided. In the early 1980s, when conservative Republicans won control of the federal government and rolled back initiatives spearheaded by feminism, feminism seemed to have lost the battle for public opinion on popular culture. Considering the history of the women's movement interpreted and recounted in Rosen's book, to what would you attribute the movement's decline? You should consider internal and external factors, and whether the decline of the movement meant that the movement had failed. Essay must be well organized, clear, free of mechanical errors and must use the book Ruth Rosen, the world split Open: How the Modern womens movement changed America as the main source of critical analysis. The standard format of essay (an introduction with clear thesis,supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion).

Must use Ruth Rosen, The World Split Open: How the Modern Women's Movement Changed America as the main source of material and can other social movement theory material to support the Rosen book.

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Rosen (2000) has given a detailed account of the history of the women’s movement in her book titled, The World Split Open: How the Modern Women's Movement Changed America. While there are many other interesting developments listed in the book the decline of feminism is perhaps the most interesting. This is because there are several internal and external causes which can be used as the reasons for why the movement declined. Their comparative importance and the impact these internal and external causes had on the speed as well as the nature of the decline can be debated but it is certain that all the causes contributed towards the decline.

Of these, the conservative agenda is perhaps the most serious cause since the Republican governments in the early 80s did not agree with the liberal values which were supported by the feminist movement. In fact, the government was quite vary of the political and social agendas which the feminist movement in general and the women’s movement in particular held within America. Rosen (2000) herself reports that she found her name in FBI files as a possible female guerrilla working to subvert the efforts of the government. The idea that feminists were political rabble-rousers only served to damage the image of the movement even in the eyes of those who would support their agenda.

Rosen (2000) notes that even though the women of the time had strong passions and wanted to gain more from what the political process had to offer them, the politics of the time and the political parties refused to take them seriously. However, this is not the only reason since she also notes that fragmentation within the feminist lobby itself weakened the movement and she considers it to be a mistake which prevented women from seeking out political opportunities that would have brought many of their rights to them much earlier.

In essence, this can be considered an internal factor which caused the movement to lose wind since infighting and differences of opinions voiced by the women made people think that the movement itself was unsure of what it wanted. While some focused on the idea of equality, others demanded rights that were perhaps too forward looking for the time and difficult to push through with a hostile government. Although Rosen (2000) does not stop admiring the movement for all that was gained by it, she notes that internal causes are also to blame for the lack of will showed by feminism in the 80s.

Other Details about the Project/Assignment
Subjects: Cultural and Gender Studies -> Feminism
Topic: How the Modern Women's Movement Changed America
Level: College / University

feminism, women movement, american society, cultural change

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Project Details
Subjects: Cultural and Gender Studies -> Feminism
Topic: How the Modern Women's Movement Changed America
Level: College / University

feminism, women movement, american society, cultural change

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